Monday, December 13, 2010


 Happy belated 300th YongSeoanniversary day~~~

After a hectic day, Seohyun is preparing for bed. Yonghwa is on the bed comfortably reading his book. Seem he become a good reader after he had been recommended to books by his beloved wife, Seo Juhyun.

She saw Yonghwa through the mirror reflection and smile warmly when she saw him reading. Seohyun feel grateful and happy when she can give a new reading habit to her husband. She really thinks that reading is important for a person’s life for improvement.

Suddenly she refresh the old memory that how Yonghwa kidnapped her heart and locking to his for the first time. As they started with reality show “We Got Married” as a fake married couple without knowing each other and awkwardly become a friend. It is seem destiny to them to be together and she really grateful for that.
All their feeling had burst out when they at the fishing lake during celebrating each other birthday. The way Yonghwa confessed his love to Seohyun quite unique though. Seohyun still remember when they hold hand for the first time make her feel nervous and she had a weird habit that only Yonghwa knew after a long time they film together.

When Seohyun feel nervous or afraid, she will hiccup.

“Huk…Huk..” Seohyun starting hiccup. “Sorry oppa.. huk!” she covering her mouth with her hand and her face get red and hot.

Yonghwa start wearing smirk at his lip and try to teasing her, “Owh.. Seo Juhyun.. Are you nervous holding my hand? Or you feel weird?” Yonghwa searching Seohyun eyes. He intended to make Seohyun more blush and he like it very much.

“Stop it oppa. You are not helping. I’m trying to stop my hiccup. Ah.. Always happen like this and I really don’t like this.” Seohyun start whining and try to hold her breath in order to dismiss the hiccup.

“Hmmm…. Let me help you… My mother said if you want to stop your hiccup, you have to be scared or surprise. Should I make you scare or surprise?” Yonghwa keep teasing again.

“Ah cheongmal, oppa… I’m trying to make it stop. Huk! Huk! Aahh… Seem it’s not stopping”.  Seohyun was still trying to hold her breath again and again but still with her hiccup.

Yonghwa who is just now as Yong choding start keep silent and stare at Seohyun. It is make Seohyun feel more nervous and hundred percent sure that is not helping but make it worst. She diverts her eyes to other place.

Yonghwa stand and grab Seohyun’s hand and his hand start lingering to her slim waist and suddenly their lips meet each other. Her eyes open widely and dilated. Yonghwa keep his eyes close and keep their lips together. Seohyun slowly relax her body and warmly accept the lip and they start kissing sweetly and passionately.

They disengaged their lips and Yonghwa try to search Seohyun eyes. Seohyun just stared down and does not dare to keep her head up to meet Yonghwa.

“How is it? Is your hiccup stop?” Yonghwa start to ask teasing the shy Seohyun.

She kept silent and that make Yonghwa little bit worried.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry if..” Yonghwa had stop when Seohyun suddenly looked at him with watery eyes.

“Oppa.. Are you doing that just for stopping my hiccup? It is only for that oppa?” Seohyun look like a little puppy looking at Yonghwa.

“Of course not!! Not only to keep your hiccup away… Just… I…. Actually….” He stopped.

Yonghwa try to muster up his courage and thinking to give all out tonight. He doesn’t care anymore about the reel or real of their marriage. He thought this night this time or no more forever to him for Seohyun. With deep breath he starts the word.

“Seo Juhyun… Actually I am in love with you. I am really really really in love with you and what happen just now is not only for your hiccup matter but all I mean it. I really want you to be my real lover, real sweetheart and my real wife. I don’t want to pretend anymore to be your friend or your oppa. Please Seo Juhyun, accept me not as your oppa or bestfriend but your love. I already give my heart to you and all my soul for you. And all meaning in Sarangbit is really meant for you. Not a single word is lying, Juhyun ah…”

Yonghwa seem rapping to her as to keep her not misunderstanding for him teasing or whatsoever. He really trying his best to express his deep heart feeling and put a big hope to Seohyun to feel same as his heart and really hoping for that.

“Oppa… “ Seohyun grab Yonghwa hand. He looks at Seohyun with high hope and she smile at him.

“It’s really work!! My hiccup already gone.“ She smile warmly and coming closer to Yonghwa and hug him tightly.

She whisper to his ear, “I also really in love with you oppa. I really hope that not only me had this feeling and I really glad that you also feel the same. I really don’t want you to be my best friend or my oppa.  From now, I really want you the one who can help me for my hiccup.” Keep him in her hug tightly and she can feel Yonghwa chuckle and hugging her back.

“Of couse I will be the one who can handle your hiccup Hyun~~ and I really love you more” he kissing Seohyun forehead and keep her in his hug.

She’s comeback from her dreaming and saw the man that she fell in love for the first and the last time. She really feel easy and calm when she looking to her husband’s face. It is enough for her to keep out her tiredness of her days.

But today, something just happened to their daughter at school and she had to go for unexpectedly teacher-parent meeting.

“Yong~~… Do you know what I had been through today?” jumping on the bed and grab Yonghwa’s hand.

“Hmm… What dear? What happened to today? Is our daughter made another weird thing again?” Yonghwa keep the book aside and look at Seohyun while caressing her hear.

“I told you to not doing any weird things in front her. Now, she copy your habit and doing. Not only at home, but bring it to her school some more.” Rapping Seohyun make a comeback he thought.

“Hehehe….. What am I doing? What of my doing is weird? I am a very healthy normal person you know, Hyun~~~?” Yong choding is trying to defense himself.

Even they had married and having a child but his habit as choding can be erase and sometime Seohyun feel it worst than before. Still, she loves him very much and because of Yong choding she fell in love for the very first time.

“Hhhngg… Don’t make a joke Yong.. I’m serious now you know?” pouting her mouth.  

“Okay, okay.. I’m in serious mode now. Tell me baby, what happen?” Yonghwa hugging Seohyun from back and place his head at her neck.

“I went to Ji Ae school today and met her teacher.” Seohyun start the story.

“Then her teacher said that she try to kiss her male friend.” Seohyun told to Yonghwa.

“WHAT?!”  Yonghwa startle and keep his up his body and sit straight to Seohyun.

“She told her friend, if he wants to overcome his hiccup, somebody should kiss him and it is surely work. And when the teacher asked her how she know that and she said HER DAD always did it to her mum” Seohyun clench her teeth and glare to Yonghwa. He feels his wife so cute with that glare and trying to tease her.

“Hahaha… My clever Ji Ae. I know she’s smart like me…” Yonghwa said proudly.

“Aigoo oppa, is it good you said? You know how am I embarrassing just now? I really don’t know what should I said to her teacher.” Seohyun express her uncomfortable feeling to Yonghwa.

“Hahaha… Okey, baby.. I will try to keep myself to become more behave okay… Hahaha…As expected she is YongSeo’s daughter, clever and mischievous.” He continues hugging Seohyun.

“You are must oppa. I don’t want to go to the school for unbelievable reason anymore or you go by yourself and see how you feel for that” Seohyun pouting her mouth and look at Yonghwa.

“Hmmm.. Okay I promise… But if you promise to give me another little YongSeo to me.”

Yonghwa is starting smile slyly toward Seohyun and kissing her passionately. They start their own night world together and keep sailing with hope for their new lovely world tomorrow.

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